
child sneezing

In allergic conditions, like hayfever and sinusitis, one aspect of the immune system becomes overactive and leads to excessive immune activity. This excessive activity causes all the signs and symptoms experienced by allergy sufferers.

Standard treatments include steroids, antihistamines and decongestants, all of which can provide symptomatic relief, but unfortunately, do little to address the underlying immune imbalance. Reducing inflammation, restoring balance to the immune system and supporting long term immune health are vital for managing seasonal allergies, sinusitis and hayfever. Fortunately, there are a range of natural substances that have been shown to reduce this type of immune excess and bring your immune system back in to balance.

Food allergies/sensitivities can also wreak havoc with a persons day to day wellbeing. The majority of adverse reactions to food are rarely life threatening, but may be a source of considerable discomfort in many chronic conditions and diseases. The symptoms are varied and individuals can react in different ways. Many people live with minor or major symptoms of adverse food reactions for years without ever suspecting the involvement of the immune system and the foods which trigger them.

Food sensitivity reactions may be the result of enzyme deficiency, histamine releasing effects, altered intestinal permeabililty (e.g. leaky gut) or pharmacological effects.

Food sensitivity is often given a low priority in the investigation of disease. Common conditions where food sensitivity may play a significant role include bloating and fluid retention, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, migraine, depression and mood swings, asthma, skin conditions and behavioural problems in children.

The digestive system is the seat of health, and an unhealthy digestive system can contribute significantly to allergies. This is because 70-80% of the total immune system of the body is present in the digestive system. This immune presence helps the body to determine the difference between healthy foods and beneficial bacteria, and toxic substances and harmful organisms   – and helps it to then respond appropriately. If the digestive system is full of harmful bacteria and toxic foods, then the immune system will respond by sounding the alarm and producing inflammation. Eventually this inflammation can lead to allergic problems.

A healthy diet is therefore crucial for long term management of allergies. Our Practitioners may recommend a detoxification program as part of your treatment and may also prescribe probiotics (beneficial bacteria) to reinoculate your digestive system with “good” bacteria. These beneficial bacteria send calming messages to the immune system and help to reduce the allergic responses that have been generated.

You don’t have to just put up with it! Call today to arrange an appointment!

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